Ellinikon – Court of Auditors green lights casino
The 7th circuit of the CoA met in order to check the legality of the process of conducting an international bidding tender for the “granting of a license to operate a casino company with a wide range of activities at the Metropolitan Pole of Elliniko-Agios Kosmas”.
The Court of Auditors said “yes” to proceed with the international tender for the granting of the casino license in Ellinikon.
In particular, the 7th circuit of the Court met in order to check the legality of the process of conducting an international bidding tender for the “granting of a license to operate a casino company with a wide range of activities at the Metropolitan Pole of Elliniko-Agios Kosmas”.
The circuit with its act no. 647/2021 after examining the data and documents that had been presented in the context of the pre-contractual legality check, decided that relevant draft contract “.
Finally, the E.S. ruled that “the signing of the draft contract with the object of granting the operating license of a casino company (EKAZ) of a wide range of activities in the Metropolitan Pole of Elliniko – Agios Kosmas is not hindered”.
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