Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Green Fund – 9 new inclusions of investment projects in the SME support program

Green Fund – 9 new inclusions of investment projects in the SME support program

These are investment projects of an equal number of beneficiary companies of the Kozani regional unit with a total public expenditure of 1,274,304 euros.

New entries of companies in the framework of the SME Support Action from the Green Fund were announced by the Intermediate Body of Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship Business Programs (EFEPAE).

EFEPAE, in the context of its Operational Agreement with the Green Fund, announced that: with the decision no. 229.6 / 2021 of the BoD of the Green Fund on Friday 17-12-2021 signed by the president of the Green Fund, Efstathios Stathopoulos, the second decision of inclusion of the beneficiaries of the Action “Support and Support Program for Small and Medium Enterprises” was issued within the priority axis 6 of the Continuing Funding “Financing of projects and Actions for the development of sustainable economic activities of low carbon footprint in Kozani, Florina and in the Municipality of Megalopolis of the Prefecture of Arcadia”.

According to the decision:

– 9 investment projects of an equal number of beneficiary companies of the Kozani regional unit are included, with a total public expenditure of 1,274,304 euros. Of the 9 beneficiaries involved in the action, 5 beneficiaries are contractors who will implement public expenditure (grant) investment plans of 708,800 euros and 4 beneficiaries are subcontractors who will implement public expenditure (subsidy) investment plans of 565,504.00 euros.

– Six investment projects of requested public expenditure (grant) of 589,600 euros were rejected.

To date, a total of 23 investment projects of an equal number of beneficiary companies have been included in the action with a total public expenditure (grant) of 3,467,432.80 euros.

The evaluation of applications continues. It is noted that the process of evaluation and integration of investment plans is immediate, objective and simplified. Funding applications are evaluated in order of priority, according to the date of their electronic submission to the State Aid Information System.

Beneficiaries whose investment plans have been rejected have the right to resubmit their application.

It is noted that :

– The new action is addressed to existing very small, small and medium enterprises in the regional units of Kozani and Florina, as well as in the Municipality of Megalopolis of the Regional Unit of Arcadia, whose activity concerns the execution of works, the provision of services and the supply of goods directly to PPC and / or indirectly to subcontractors who have concluded contracts with PPC. In particular, the program supports and strengthens these companies in order to diversify the products produced, services provided and their work performed, with the aim of their gradual detachment from PPC and overall lignite activities over a period of five years.

– Due to the great response of the beneficiaries for Kozani and Florina within just two months from the publication of the action, the Green Fund increased the distribution in these two Regional Units, while the submissions of businesses of the Municipality of Megalopolis continue, with the total budget now standing at 13,570,981.73 euros. After its approval by the Minister of Environment and Energy, Costas Skrekas, the one of the co-responsible deputy minister, N. Papathanasis, is also on the way, so that it can be activated immediately.

– Applications for funding must be submitted electronically, through the State Aid Information System (PSE), www.ependyseis.gr.

Finally, it is reminded that the submission of applications started on 23-9-2021. The call will remain open for applications until the available budget is exhausted and at the latest until the completion of six months from its initial publication (22-9-2021).

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025