Electricity – 5-digit solidarity number to support vulnerable households- Who and how can apply
A basic condition for the approval of the request is that the electricity supply has been interrupted, due to debt arrears until 31.3.2022 and that they remain disconnected until the completion of the process
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The five-digit solidarity number, 15902, was launched today to support vulnerable households from high price increases in energy costs.
The telephone line will be open from Monday to Friday, from 08:00 in the morning until 20:00 in the evening. It mainly concerns households that are unable to pay their electricity bills and request a reconnection of their electricity supply.
A basic condition for the approval of the request is that the electricity supply has been interrupted, due to debt arrears until 31.3.2022 and that they remain disconnected until the completion of the process. In addition, the electricity supply reconnection request must relate to the main residence and meet specific income criteria that coincide with those of the Social Residential Tariff.
The total budget for this emergency support is €40 million and will be funded by the Energy Transition Fund. Responsible bodies for the examination of reconnection requests are the relevant Municipalities and HEDNO.
The amount of the special aid will be as follows:
· For total debts up to 6,000 euros, the entire debt will be paid in a lump sum.
· For total debts over 6,000 euros and up to 9,000 euros, 75% of the debt will be paid in a lump sum.
· For total debts over 9,000 euros and up to 12,000 euros, 50% of the debt will be paid in a lump sum.
· For total debts over 12,000 euros, 30% of the debt will be paid in a lump sum.
The remaining amount will be repaid by the consumers themselves in interest-free monthly installments.
The Minister of Environment and Energy, Kostas Skrekas, stated: “In the face of this unprecedented crisis that is affecting the whole Europe, our main concern is to protect our vulnerable fellow human beings. That is why we are from today activating the 15902 solidarity line. With social and income criteria, the beneficiaries will be able to reconnect the electricity supply to their home, without incurring the costs, which will be covered by the Energy Transition Fund. Since last September, the government has allocated more than 1.3 billion euros to deal with the energy crisis and is launching other targeted interventions for the financial relief of those affected.”
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