Παρασκευή 07 Μαρτίου 2025
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Matina Pagoni- We will see a five-digit number of cases

Matina Pagoni- We will see a five-digit number of cases

The president of the Hospital Doctors Union estimated that January and February will be the two months when we will have an increase in cases

Matina Pagoni predicts a gradual increase of cases in the next period due to Omicron.

“I see measures after the New Year” said the president of EINAP Matina Pagoni, pointing out that the cases will gradually increase as she explained that people will return from holidays and the results will be seen this fortnight.

“We may see a five-digit number of cases”

She even estimated that January and February will be the two months that we will have an increase in cases “, noting that we may see a five-digit number of cases but gradually.

“I consider 15,000 too much,” she added, speaking to SKAI channel.

Regarding the  Omicron mutation, she said that the data are from Europe and Africa and the patients who are called for hospitals to deal with are “Delta”.

“Anyone who has a flu does not get up to go to work because the symptoms of Omicron are very simple. If we sneeze and are congested we stay at home,” explained Ms. Pagoni.

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Παρασκευή 07 Μαρτίου 2025