Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Oikonomou – Greece among European champions in covid testing – Among the top 5 countries

Oikonomou – Greece among European champions in covid testing – Among the top 5 countries

Greece is among the top 5 countries in Europe in testing.

Government spokesman Giannis Oikonomou made a statement on the number of diagnostic tests for coronavirus.

The whole statement of Giannis Oikonomou:
“Those who are arrogant and irresponsible try to deceive society with a storm of screams and insults in order to hide their inadequacy. But facts are the best friend of the truth. And the truth about the tests is this:

Greece is among the top 5 countries in Europe in testing.

– From 1/5/2020 – 30/12/2021 only EODY has performed 8,759,556 free diagnostic tests, of which 7,642,167 rapid and 1,112,389 pcr. These, of course, do not include the millions of free tests that have been done for free by the NSS.

– Our country is in 4th place in the EU with the most rapid and pcr tests

– From April to 30/12/2021, 86,403,820 self tests were given free of charge to 7,669,956 citizens

– Thanks to the self tests, 1 in 5 confirmed cases were identified, ie 247,464 cases out of a total of 1,170,293.

– To date,  more than 300 million euros have been allocated for free tests (self, rapid, pcr)

This is the only truth about checks, the truth of numbers and facts.

In a difficult turning point in the global pandemic, some continue to engage in political speculation, with inappropriate verbiage and insults that have nothing to do with the real issues of society.

The government is here, next to society, with a plan, with realism and with honesty, fully committed to the effort to protect public health and ensure the normalcy of economic and social life.

This is our difference. And it’s not just politics. “

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Το μυθικό ρεκόρ που έσπασε ο Κέντρικ Ναν κόντρα στην Παρτιζάν

Ο Κέντρικ Ναν έσπασε ακόμη ένα ρεκόρ της Ευρωλίγκας, κόντρα στην Παρτιζάν, σε μια περίοδο της καριέρας του που μοιάζει απλά ασταμάτητος.

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025