Παρασκευή 07 Μαρτίου 2025
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Mosialos – Reassures about “Flurona”

Mosialos – Reassures about “Flurona”

LSE professor, Elias Mosialos, appears reassuring, who in a post on Facebook states that “there is no reason to panic”.

The so-called “flurona” virus, a combination of influenza and coronavirus, the first case of which has been identified in Israel, has caused concern.

However, the LSE professor, Elias Mosialos, appears reassuring, who in a post on Facebook states that “there is no reason to panic”.

Mosialos’s post:

Several media outlets today report the existence of a “new” Flurona virus (Flu + Corona) that is supposed to combine the flu virus with the coronavirus.

This is not a new virus but simultaneous infections with the coronavirus and the flu virus. It happened to a pregnant woman in Israel but it is possible that we have many such cases in several countries.

It is therefore necessary to vaccinate, especially of our vulnerable compatriots, and with the flu vaccine. This is also emphasized by health authorities around the world.

There is no reason to panic.

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Παρασκευή 07 Μαρτίου 2025