Government imposes price ceiling for COVID-19 PCR tests
After a feverish public debate over the high price of COVID-19 PCR tests, the ministry of development and investment announced a price control that it will lower the current 60-euro market price to 47 euros.
After a feverish public debate over the high price of COVID-19 PCR tests, the ministry of development and investment announced a price control that it will lower the current 60-euro market price to 47 euros.
The breakdown is 35 euros for the analysis of the test and 12 euros for taking samples at private health facilities.
The price cap is not in effect if a sample was taken outside of private diagnostic lab or private clinic and in such cases the price is set by the market.
Small price cut
Essentially, there is a small drop in the current 60-euro minimum market price.
Development Minister Adonis Georgiadis had announced the move yesterday, noting the price will be around 50 euros.
He said the new price will be below the EU average.
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