Replacement program for old electrical appliances in the pipeline
AThe program will start this year but will continue in the next period
In the first half of 2022, the program for the replacement of old and energy-consuming electrical appliances will “run”, as revealed by the Minister of Environment and Energy, Costas Skrekas, on Sky television.
The minister stressed that the guide to this ambitious program is almost complete.
Beneficiaries will be all Greeks but with criteria of prioritization depending on their financial situation and will be linked to the withdrawal of old devices.
The program will start this year but will continue in the next period, as according to Mr. Skrekas, whenever funds arise, its funding will increase.
The goal, according to the minister, is for all houses “to be able to replace the old energy-intensive appliances with new ones, in order to reduce electricity costs and help the environment and to have a much better household item in their home”.
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