EODY: 80 COVID-19 deaths, 20,000 new infections in 24 hours, 664 intubated
With the deaths announced today, the total number of COVID-19 deaths in Greece since the start of the pandemic is 20,408, and 95 percent had an underlying medical condition and/or were age 70 or older.
The National Public Health Organisation today announced 80 COVID-19 deaths and 20,409 new infections in the last 24 hours.
With the deaths announced today, the total number of COVID-19 deaths in Greece since the start of the pandemic is 20,408, and 95 percent had an underlying medical condition and/or were age 70 or older.
Of the newly confirmed infections, 50 were detected at points of entry into the country, and the total number of confirmed infections in Greece since the start of the pandemic (half of them men) is 1.6mn (a daily rise of 1.3 percent)
Intubations, hospital admissions
There are currently 644 intubated COVID patients (60 percent men), with a median age of 65-years-old, and 80 percent have an underlying medical condition and/or are age 70 or older.
Of intubated patients, 83.4 percent are unvaccinated or partly vaccinated, while 16.6 percent are fully vaccinated.
Since the start of the pandemic, 3,863 COVID patients have been released from hospital ICUs.
There were 587 hospital admissions of COVID patients in the last 24 hours (a daily decline of 10.24 percent). For the last seven days, the average daily number of admissions is 577 patients.
The median age of patients with new infections is 36-years-old, while the median age of those who died is 78-years-old.
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