Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Thenamaris fleet expands

Thenamaris fleet expands

The “SeaGemini” has a carrying capacity of 38,000 cubic meters and will fly the Maltese flag.

Thenamaris received the newly built LPG Carrier “SeaGemini” in the first days of the new year from the shipyards Hyundai Mipo, already boasting six more  LPG Carriers in its fleet.

The “SeaGemini” has a carrying capacity of 38,000 cubic meters and will fly the Maltese flag. Thenamaris is expected to receive another brand new LPG Carrier in 2022 according to its website.

The Thenamaris fleet, owned by the Dinos Martinos family and managed by Nicolas Martinos, consists of a total of 102 ships, of which 65 are tankers (five under construction).

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Το μυθικό ρεκόρ που έσπασε ο Κέντρικ Ναν κόντρα στην Παρτιζάν

Ο Κέντρικ Ναν έσπασε ακόμη ένα ρεκόρ της Ευρωλίγκας, κόντρα στην Παρτιζάν, σε μια περίοδο της καριέρας του που μοιάζει απλά ασταμάτητος.

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025