Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Mytilineos in Sustainalytics’ list of Industry Top Rated Companies

Mytilineos in Sustainalytics’ list of Industry Top Rated Companies

Mytilineos ranks 2nd out of a total of 114 companies in the “Industrial Conglomerates” category, a performance that shows the company’s commitment to the integration and development of ESG culture in all its activities.

MYTILINEOS is included in the list of Ιndustry Top Rated Companies by the international ESG rating agency Sustainalytics, as a result of its very good performance in the ESG and Sustainable Development criteria for 2021.

According to Sustainalytics, which is one of the world’s leading ESG rating agencies, the Industry Top Rated Companies badge is awarded to “Strong outperformers in their respective industries out of the Sustainalytics comprehensive coverage universe”.

MYTILINEOS ranks 2nd in a total of 114 Companies in the “Industrial Conglomerates” category; this performance displays the Company’s commitment to integrating and developing the ESG culture across all its activities.

Sustainalytics assesses companies based on their ability to manage ESG risks. Depending on the field of activity, each organization is exposed to ESG risks of different types and intensity. MYTILINEOS is assessed at the highest and most demanding level (Comprehensive) in 11 different ESG thematic areas, including: Corporate Governance, Climate Change & Environmental Management, Health & Safety, Human Rights, Business Ethics, which also constitute the maximum number of ESG thematic areas for which a Company can be rated. According to Sustainalytics, MYTILINEOS effectively manages 70% of the ESG risks faced; such a performance is above the average of the companies within the Industrial Conglomates category.

As stated by Mr. Dimitris Papadopoulos, MYTILINEOS’ General Manager of Corporate Governance & Sustainable Development: “We are very pleased with the continuous improvement in our performance in the assessment of one of the most important ESG rating agencies such as Sustainalytics, where we have achieved an overall improvement of 56% since 2019.

At MYTILINEOS, we have set the ESG criteria as an integral part of our business strategy and operations, thus contributing to strong returns for our shareholders, as well as attracting investors, customers and talented employees.

Our systematic effort in this area over the last few years is highlighted by the establishment of ambitious and demanding climate targets for 2030 and 2050, for the first time in Greece by an industrial company. This resulted in a significant improvement in our performance in almost all of the ESG indices we participate in and reflects our determination to remain a sustainable and profitable business and our commitment to showing the way to a greener and more environmentally friendly industry. At the same time, MYTILINEOS is establishing its leadership position at Greek and international level since, according to most indices, we are placed among the best-performing ESG companies in our sector.”

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025