Κυριακή 30 Ιουνίου 2024
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Editorial Ta Nea: Comparison

Editorial Ta Nea: Comparison

Alexis Tsipras avoided referring to the real reason for a move that is viewed as sensationalist even by his loyal comrades, as the government is not in danger of renegade New Democracy MPs voting it down.

Main opposition leader Alexis Tsipras yesterday announced in Parliament that he is tabling a no confidence motion.

In his oration that preceded the announcement, he unleashed intense criticism of the government, with much rhetorical hyperbole.

Of course, he avoided referring to the real reason for a move that is viewed as sensationalist even by his loyal comrades, as the government is not in danger of renegade New Democracy MPs voting it down.

SYRIZA’s leader is not confronted solely by the party’s low polling numbers.

Following Tsipras’ decision – which was a surprise for many left-wingers – to plan a leadership election with the vote of the party’s base and sympathisers, he is now confronted with an intra-party opposition that is directly disputing both the party’s organisational changes and the leader’s motives.

The communications exploitation of the 24 January snowstorm even before the capital’s streets were cleared is an indication of the main opposition leader’s blatantly obvious need to transcend the party’s political introversion and to curb the rise of centre-left KINAL’s polling numbers in all recent surveys, which suggest that SYRIZA’s status as the second largest party is being threatened.

For all these reasons, Alexis Tsipras once again chose to resolve his problems through a political clash with the government.

He forgets that he is offering those who watch the three-day parliamentary debate on his no confidence motion yet another opportunity to compare him with his opponents.

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Κυριακή 30 Ιουνίου 2024