Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Internet, mobile speeds in Greece still behind top 20 status

Internet, mobile speeds in Greece still behind top 20 status

In terms of landlines, the country is in a less-than-stellar 91st place

Internet access speeds in Greece are six spots below the global average, according to Speedtest Global Index and US multinational Ookla, with the country also ranking a more-or-less mediocre 31st for speed in mobile phone data transfer.

In terms of landlines, the country is in a less-than-stellar 91st place, the same as in the previous such survey.

The latest figures confirm standing criticism by businesses, households and individual users in the country of comparatively “slow” and expensive internet access and data transfer.

The survey included 138 countries.

Specifically for Greece, download speed was calculated, on average, at 51.42 Mbps; 12.52 Mbps for the upload speed.

In March 2020, the last month for which data was collected, the average speed for mobile phone connections was 60.9 Mbps – placing Greece at 28th place worldwide, and 18 spots higher than in the corresponding period of the previous year. 

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Το μυθικό ρεκόρ που έσπασε ο Κέντρικ Ναν κόντρα στην Παρτιζάν

Ο Κέντρικ Ναν έσπασε ακόμη ένα ρεκόρ της Ευρωλίγκας, κόντρα στην Παρτιζάν, σε μια περίοδο της καριέρας του που μοιάζει απλά ασταμάτητος.

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025