Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Exportrof exhibition returns to MEC Paiania from 18 to 20 February

Exportrof exhibition returns to MEC Paiania from 18 to 20 February

The 8th Export – The Greek Fine Food Exhibition honors the Region of Central Greece this year.

Exportrof is coming in 2022 with more innovative proposals tailored to the special needs created by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The 8th Expotrof – The Greek Fine Food Exhibition honors the Region of Central Greece this year and has organized a variety of culinary events through which the participating companies will have the opportunity to highlight the excellent quality products of their place of origins, such as cold cuts, herbs, honey, olive oil, and of course traditional cheeses.

Taking all the necessary protection measures, the section “Cooking Greece” returns with gastronomic suggestions. Distinguished chefs will prepare inspirational recipes, using the premium products of the producers of the exhibition. Through an interactive experience, the visitors of the exhibition will have the opportunity to be informed about Greek products, but also about the secrets of the culinary art. In addition, on the stage of “Cooking Greece” gastronomy lovers will have the opportunity to attend targeted workshops and thematic presentations.

Finally, the Athens Fine Food Awards (AFFA), the most important quality and taste awards in the country will have their own special presence at the 8th Export. As part of the event, those products that stood out for their quality features, innovation and packaging will be awarded. It is worth noting that AFFA is attended by hundreds of products from Greek producers each year, which compete in 27 rating categories.

New era of digital meetings

It is noted that Exportrof organizes all commercial B2B meetings digitally through the specially designed platform www.thedelifair.gr. All B2B trade meetings will take place at a predetermined time after the exhibition. Producers who wish to conclude trade agreements, from whatever corner of Greece they are, now have the opportunity to make an appointment with Greek and international companies, easily and safely from their own space.

The organization of the 8th Export – The Greek Fine Food Exhibition has been undertaken by RM International.

Must in

Το μυθικό ρεκόρ που έσπασε ο Κέντρικ Ναν κόντρα στην Παρτιζάν

Ο Κέντρικ Ναν έσπασε ακόμη ένα ρεκόρ της Ευρωλίγκας, κόντρα στην Παρτιζάν, σε μια περίοδο της καριέρας του που μοιάζει απλά ασταμάτητος.

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025