Παρασκευή 07 Μαρτίου 2025
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HERON: Collaboration with Ambience in the context of the “Exoikonomo” energy saving program

HERON: Collaboration with Ambience in the context of the “Exoikonomo” energy saving program

The program enables the upgrade of the main residence with a grant rate of up to 75%

Its cooperation with the company Ambience Services in the framework of the “Exoikonomo” program, was announced by the HERON Energy Production and Supply Group.

According to the announcement, the program enables the upgrade of the main residence with a subsidy rate of up to 75%, thus contributing to the wider goal of the country’s energy transition.

Those interested can, through the extensive network of HERON stores throughout Greece, be informed about the benefits of the “Exoikonomo” program and contact the company Ambience Services, which can undertake the entire process of joining the program .

The cooperation with Ambience Services gives the customer the possibility of personalized service, from the preparation of the file and the registration of the application to the necessary inspections and the final disbursement of the amount.

“Through its new partnership, HERON, recognizing the multiple benefits of the” Save “program, mediates for consumers to contact the specialized consultants of Ambience Services and benefit from the benefits of the program”, the announcement concludes.

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Παρασκευή 07 Μαρτίου 2025