Civil servants: Work stoppage on February 18
The Federations react to the conclusion of the Interministerial Committee on the allowance for dangerous and unhealthy work
Work stoppage on Friday, February 18, 2022, from 7:00 to 11:00, for the employees of the Federations (POEDIN, WTO – OTA, WTO – Ministry of Culture, WTO – YETHA, POTKE – YETHA, WTO – PFY, POUEF, OSEADE, POEYPS, POSYP, OSYAPE, POGEDY, POSEYG, ODPTE, POPOKP, OSYPESDDA) which have a reference to the Dangerous and Unhealthy Work allowance and a protest rally at 9:00 a.m. on the same day, at
The Executive Committee of civil servants confederation ADEDY complains that the conclusion of the Interministerial Committee zeroes the allowance for dangerous and unhealthy work to 15,300 employees who receive it today and is drastically reduced to tens of thousands more
Workers’ federations claim:
Immediate withdrawal of the committee’s inexcusable finding,
No pay cut to any employee receiving it today,
Extension of the allowance to all working sectors or specialties working in unhealthy conditions,
Extension of the allowance to all working branches or specialties working in the same conditions, regardless of their employment relationship (permanent or contracted),
Generous increase of the amount, from the state budget, granted for the allowance.
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