Electricity: PPC increased its clientele in the five months of the crisis
At 64.5% the percentage of electricity supply in January from 62.62% in September. What the data of the Hellenic Energy Exchange show.
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PPC shares show recovery trends during the five months of the energy crisis.
More specifically, according to the monthly report issued by the Hellenic Energy Exchange, the public company was found in January to hold 64.5% of the total electricity supply. This percentage is higher by about 2 percentage points compared to September 2021 when the rally of price increases in energy began.
According to market participants, this increase is attributed to a small wave of return of its customers, who had moved to its competitors in the previous months. PPC with the additional discount it provided on the electricity bills of its customers but also with the availability of the cheapest on the market until the end of last November, a program of fixed charging (without adjustment clause) of electricity consumption stung… consumers.
It is worth noting that the public company from the beginning of 2021 until September lost its share of electricity supply. In January last year it held 67.15% of consumer goods and reached 62.62% in September. It was the lowest share of all times of PPC in the electricity market.
Independent suppliers
According to the data of the Hellenic Energy Exchange, the independent electricity providers in January represented 35.5% of the total consumption load.
Their share in relation to September in the month in which prices rose steeply held 37.38%. This loss as mentioned above was reaped by the public company.
Of the alternative suppliers, the largest percentage in the electricity supply was Protergia of Mytilineos (7.07%), followed by HERON of GEK TERNA with 6.42%, Elpedison of ELPE and Edison is at 6.06%, NRG of the Motor Oil group represented 4.36% of the supply, Watt & Volt closed at 2.66%, “Natural Gas of Greece” had 2.11% of the market, ZENITH 1.99%, Volterra 1.79%, Volton 1.61% and so on.
The independent providers sought to compete with PPC by also switching to fixed billing programs but also by promoting the classic programs they have in combination with other offers in services or products.
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