Παρασκευή 07 Μαρτίου 2025
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Thessaloniki Port Authority: 4 interested parties for the railway connection of the 6th pier

Thessaloniki Port Authority: 4 interested parties for the railway connection of the 6th pier

The contractor that will be selected will undertake the design and construction of the new railway line for the western railway connection of the 6th Pier of the Thessaloniki Port Authority (OLTH).

There are four people interested in the sixth and last tender of the large railway package of ERGOSE. The files for the railway connection of the 6th pier of the Thessaloniki Port Authority and the Western Suburban Railway of Thessaloniki were opened today, putting in play the same companies that have appeared so far in all tenders, but four and not only three interested teams, since GEK TERNA and Intrakat expressed interest separately. The other two schemes remain stable, namely the joint ventures AVAX – Alstom and ELLAKTOR – Mytilineos.

The auction budget of the project amounts to 53.5 million euros (excluding VAT) and the selected contractor will undertake the design and construction of the new railway line for the western railway connection of the 6th Pier of the Thessaloniki Port Authority with the existing Railway Line that connects the Thessaloniki Sorting Station with the Commercial Station and the Port. The project concerns a single railway line.

The second axis of the project concerns the development of a western suburban railway network in Thessaloniki on existing railway lines and / or new sections of lines.

Upon their completion, the upgrade of the main railway axis of the country is expected to be achieved, with the main features being the improvement of safety, the increase of the reliability of the railway and consequently the attraction of a larger transport project in relation to the road means.

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Παρασκευή 07 Μαρτίου 2025