Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Which vaccination certificates expire tomorrow – What does it mean for those who have not taken the third dose?

Which vaccination certificates expire tomorrow – What does it mean for those who have not taken the third dose?

300,000 people will be considered unvaccinated as their vaccination certificate will be invalid as of Monday, February 7

Tomorrow, Monday, February 7, expires the small extension in the validity of the vaccination certificate, which was given due to the severe weather front that hit Greece. This means that the adults who have completed their vaccination seven months ago, should have taken the booster dose, otherwise from tomorrow they will be considered unvaccinated.

The Ministry of Health announced a small extension of one week until the expiration of the vaccination certificate, due to problems in arriving at vaccination centers during the days of the Elpida severe weather front.

The Greek Minister of Health, Mr. Thanos Plevris, stated that “Due to bad weather conditions many of our fellow citizens who had scheduled their appointment for vaccination could not arrive at the vaccination centers. As a result, the validity of the certificate is extended from January 31 to February 7”.

What applies to those who have not taken a third jab

Recently, the method of issuing the disease certificate has changed. Vaccinated people must have a positive rapid test to issue a disease certificate, while the unvaccinated ones need a positive PCR molecular test to issue a disease certificate.

Besides, from tomorrow, Monday, February 7, those travelers who have an active European certificate – valid for 9 months – will not be required to take a rapid or a PCR test to enter Greece. This measure concerns the vaccinated ones, while those who have not been vaccinated must have a negative test to enter the country.

In a statement, the Greek Minister of Health, Mr. Thanos Plevris, stated on ERT channel that “from Monday, February 7, the entry into the country, for those who have an active European certificate, will be done without a mandatory test”.

Until today, Sunday, February 6, all those who traveled to Greece, had to have a negative molecular test that has been performed within 72 hours or to have been diagnosed negative in a rapid test 24 hours before their arrival in Greece.

Easing of measures after February 15

Also, from tomorrow, Monday, February 7, the existing measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 will remain in force for another week (until Monday, February 14, 2022 at 6:00). As of January 31st, the opening hours of restaurants and entertainment venues were extended, music was allowed again, however these venues are obliged to operate only with seated customers, keeping distances, and a maximum of 6 people per table. Entrance to restaurants, cafés and entertainment venues is still allowed exclusively to fully vaccinated or those who became ill in the last quarter.

As for the possibility of further easing of the measures, the professor of pediatrics, Ms. V. Papaevangelou, stated that there are some talks on whether and how a further easing of the measures will take place, as there is a very large volume of active cases and a high possibility of spreading of the virus, but she also added that most people are vaccinated and really need to see this relaxation of measures taking place.

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025