Landmark 580 mln€ loan by EIB to fund construction of new Athens metro line 4
The new financing scheme, which comes in the form of a 30-year loan, will fund construction of Section A – Alsos Veikou-Goudi.
The European Investment Bank (EIB) on Monday formally announced that it has approved of a landmark 580-million-euro financing scheme for construction of the new Athens Metro Line 4, which represents both the largest EIB support for new transport in the country and for a single project in Greece.
The new financing scheme, which comes in the form of a 30-year loan, will fund construction of Section A – Alsos Veikou-Goudi – a project comprising of 15 new underground stations in the Greek capital. This is the second part of a 730-million-euro tranche in financing provided by the EIB for the project.
Highlights of the deal are:
- The 30-year loan marks biggest financing agreement for mass transports in Greece
- EIB support is also the biggest ever financing for a single project in the country
- Financing is for new metro line 4 – Section A – Alsos Veikou-Goudi – is the largest metro route ever built in Athens
- The loan is the second part of a 730-million-euro total in financing being provided by the EIB for the project.
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