Municipality of Athens: The outdoor sales areas of Varvakeio market are completely reconstructed
The works on the shelters started today – What it means for consumers
The Municipality of Athens is proceeding with the complete reconstruction of the shelters and the building infrastructure of the sales areas located at the lower side of Varvakeio, with the aim of dealing with chronic operational problems and upgrading the historic market area.
The works, which concern a total of 43 stores, started today and the first heavy-duty awnings have already been installed, as well as container refrigerators for the storage of products, in order for the operation of the Municipal Market to continue smoothly, throughout the works.
At the same time, the Municipality of Athens provides free internet to shopkeepers in order to facilitate their transactions, while for the entire period of the reconstruction, the professionals will not pay the price for renting the spaces.
This is the first major intervention in the Varvakeio market, in the last 20 years, -as the previous one had taken place during the Olympic Games- while its goal is to keep alive and competitive this emblematic point of our city.
The Mayor of Athens, Costas Bakogiannis, visited the site of the Varvakeio market- where the works are being carried out – who stated in a statement: “In Varvakeio, the” heart “of the city beats loudly. We are rapidly proceeding with the overall upgrade of the outdoor sales areas, with the aim of offering to both professionals and consumers, modern, but also health-safe facilities which, however, will retain in full the historical character of the largest market in Athens. We prove in practice our will to support the professionals of Varvakeio, who enable the Athenian households to procure quality products daily at very low prices “.
As pointed out by the Municipality of Athens, the upgrade of the premises of Varvakeio, had been included in the planning of the municipal authority from the beginning, as it was a constant request of its professionals, but also a recorded need for better customer service. The catastrophic catastrophe, however, that hit the center of Athens last October (“Ballos”) and caused the collapse of part of the shelter, accelerated the planning and procedures for the complete reconstruction of this part of the market.
The work, which is expected to be completed within the next four months, envisages the creation of modern facilities, which will meet all health rules, aiming at the safety of both professionals and consumers.
It is noted that in the new canopies, new lighting will be installed, LED technology for the best lighting on the market.
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