Historic high in electronic banking
In terms of value, transactions through DIAS amounted to 344 billion euros, double the country’s GDP for 2020.
Interbank transactions traded through the DIAS SA network marked a record high, in 2021, reaching 330 million, with an annual increase of 13%.
This is an increase that is directly linked to the much-needed shift of consumers to digital banking tools due to the pandemic.
Bank sources comment that despite the fact that there are no measures of social distancing, citizens continue to use these services.
In terms of value, transactions through DIAS amounted to 344 billion euros, double the country’s GDP for 2020.
This is a historic record in the 32 years of operation of the domestic payment system.
Of the total transactions made last year through DIAS, 85.5% correspond to credit transfers, which include:
Interbank remittances (24% increase)
Direct credit transfers (65% increase)
Receipts (increase 12%)
Payments (increase of 9.7%) of public and private enterprises
Payments from companies / organizations, which constitute 31% of the total transactions traded by DIAS in 2021, relate mainly to payments of public bodies, such as salaries of public servants, pensions and allowances.
It should be noted that payments from private companies increased by 89% compared to 2020.
Transactions with RF / QR payment code
In addition, the organizations and companies that have adopted the standardization of the RF / QR payment code now exceed 75% of all organizations that are interconnected in the DIAS Interbank Payment System.
Indicatively, RF / QR payment code is used by public bodies, such as tax authorities (eg road tax), social security bodies and private companies, such as energy, telecommunications, insurance, pharmaceutical companies, courier companies, car dealers. , private schools, companies trading in electrical items, clothing, cosmetics, etc.
In 2022, the service is planned to be activated by even more public and private sector organizations, which will help facilitate transactions for citizens and businesses.
Transactions through IRIS
Finally, in 2021, the “IRIS online payments” service, provided by DIAS in cooperation with credit institutions and Payment Service Providers, was significantly strengthened in order to ensure transactions with even greater speed and security.
IRIS products include direct money transfers between friends (IRIS P2P) and online store payments (IRIS e-commerce) which recorded strong growth rates of 140% and 75% respectively.
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