EODY: 87 COVID-19 deaths, nearly 20,000 new infections in last 24 hours, 515 intubated
There are currently 515 intubated COVID-19 patients (61.7 percent men), with a median age of 66-years-old, and 85 percent have an underlying condition and/or are age 70 or older, .Of intubated patients, 76.7 percent are unvaccinated or partly vaccinated.
The National Public Health Organisation has announced 87 COVID-19 deaths and 19,618 newly confirmed infections (47 detected at points of entry into the country) in the last 24 hours
With the newly recorded deaths, 24,410 people have died of COVID-19 in Greece since the start of the pandemic, and 95 percent had an underlying medical condition and/or were age 70 or older.
A total of 2.1mn infections (49.7 percent men) have been recorded in Greece since the beginning of the pandemic (a daily increase of 0.9 percent).
Of infections confirmed over the last seven days, 376 are believed to be linked to travel abroad, while 2,211 have been traced to a previously confirmed case.
The 𝑅𝑡 nationwide is estimated at 0.98
Intubated patients, hospital admissions
There are currently 515 intubated COVID-19 patients (61.7 percent men), with a median age of 66-years-old, and 85 percent have an underlying condition and/or are age 70 or older.
Of intubated patients, 76.7 percent are unvaccinated or partly vaccinated, while 23.3 percent are fully vaccinated.
Since the start of the pandemic, 4,116 COVID patients have been released from ICUs.
In the last 24 hours, 441 COVID patients have been admitted to hospital (a daily increase of 4.01 percent).
The median age of individuals with newly confirmed infections is 35-years-old, while the median age of those who died was 79-years-old.
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