ELSTAT: Greeks forsaking cars and turning to motorcycles
What the data on new vehicle registrations show
A drop of 12.1% was recorded in the number of cars registered for the first time in January 2021 (new or used abroad), according to data released by the Hellenic Statistical Authority.
In particular, 14,044 cars were registered for the first time, compared to 15,983 in the corresponding month of 2021.
The new cars registered last month came to 6,057, compared to 8,478 in January 2021, recording a drop of 28.6%.
The registration of new motorcycles with an engine capacity of more than 50 cc (new and used imported from abroad) in the month of January 2022, amounted to 2,331 compared to 1,957 in the corresponding month of 2021, showing an increase of 19.1%. New motorcycles registered in January came to 2,092 from 1,704 in the corresponding month of 2021, recording an increase of 22.8%.
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