Foreign Minister to Greek citizens in Ukraine: “Leave the country immediately”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly discourages all travel throughout the territory of Ukraine
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends that all Greek citizens leave Ukraine with an announcement in light of the developments in the country and the threat of a Russian invasion.
In particular, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly discourages all travel throughout the territory of Ukraine and at the same time recommends Greek citizens who are in the country to leave the country immediately.
Greek citizens who have not already left are also advised to immediately report their contact details to the Greek Embassy in Kiev.
It is pointed out that this morning a meeting was convened at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Dendias, which was attended by the Ministers of National Defense, Nikos Panagiotopoulos, the Minister of Education and Religions, Niki Kerameos, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andreas Katsaniotis.
The announcement points out in this case that the staff of the Kiev Embassy has been reduced to just essential personnel.
At the same time, the staff of the Consulate General of Mariupol will be strengthened.
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