Πέμπτη 13 Μαρτίου 2025
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New Democracy maintains 11.6 percentage point lead over SYRIZA, KINAL on the rise

New Democracy maintains 11.6 percentage point lead over SYRIZA, KINAL on the rise

SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras garners the lion’s share among those who declare themselves centre-left voters, with 43.5 percent, followed by Androulakis with 23.3 percent.

Ruling New Democracy maintains an 11.6 percentage point lead over main opposition SYRIZA in an Opinion Poll survey conducted between 7-12 February for tomanifesto.gr.

The poll shows that centre-left KINAL is on the rise and if that trend continues, some analysts believe it could have a fighting chance of beating SYRIZA for second place

The poll places New Democracy first with 31.2 percent, followed by SYRIZA with 19.6 percent, KINAL with 14.2 percent, the KKE Greek Communist Party with seven percent, Elliniki Lysi with four percent, and MeRa 25 with 2.8 percent.

Majority opposes early elections

Amidst SYRIZA’s constant calls for snap elections, 63 percent of respondents oppose that prospect. The majority of respondents favour single-party New Democracy rule, and if that is not feasible a New Democracy-KINAL coalition.

Battle for the centre-left

Asked which political leader best represents the centre of the political centre, PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis places first with 21.5 percent, followed by KINAL leader Nikos Androulakis with 20.5 percent, and SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras with just 13 percent.

However, Tsipras garners the lion’s share among those who declare themselves centre-left voters, with 43.5 percent, followed by Androulakis with 23.3 percent.

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Πέμπτη 13 Μαρτίου 2025