ND continues to field double-digit percentage point lead over SYRIZA; inflation seen as most acute problem
The poll was conducted by the Marc firm, last week, and commissioned by Athens broadcaster ANT1, which presented the results on its prime-time newscast on Tuesday evening.
The latest opinion poll in Greece, released on Tuesday, shows a large percentage of respondents as pointing to inflation as the most serious problem in the country at the moment, polling at 47 percent. Dealing and facing the ongoing pandemic, by comparison, is judged as the most significant problem by 24 percent of respondents.
The poll was conducted by the Marc firm, last week, and commissioned by Athens broadcaster ANT1, which presented the results on its prime-time newscast on Tuesday evening.
In terms of other highlights, the resurgent KINAL social democrat group – essentially the successor formation that coalesced around once-dominate PASOK – emerged as a strong third in terms of respondents’ preferences.
In terms of the all-important intent to vote question, ruling New Democracy (ND) party is ahead of main opposition SYRIZA by 10.5 percentage points, 31.5 percent to 21 percent. KINAL is in third place with 14.6 percent of respondents’ preferences in the poll.
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