Beat: 28% increase in routes in Athens and Thessaloniki in 2021
In total, during the tenth year of operation of Beat, the 7,908 collaborating drivers in Athens and Thessaloniki traveled a total of 63,821,300 km for routes through the platform
Beat in 2021 recorded a 28% increase in routes in the Greek market, with the total demand for routes increasing by more than 30% compared to 2019, ranking Greece among the top markets in which FREE NOW operates.
According to the relevant information, “despite the anachronistic institutional framework, which causes delays in finding taxis, the No.1 digital application continued to grow for another year, with the increase of registered users reaching 51% compared to pre-pandemic levels “.
In total, more than 2 million users use Beat for their travels in the two cities in which it operates, with the co-capital recording a dramatic increase in interest in the last year. More specifically, in Thessaloniki the number of collaborating Beat drivers increased by 128%, while the routes through the platform increased sixfold.
In total, during the tenth year of operation of Beat, the 7,908 cooperating drivers in Athens and Thessaloniki covered a total of 63,821,300 km for routes through the platform, a distance slightly more than 1,592 times the circumference of the Earth. At the end of 2021, the average rating of drivers working with Beat is 4.9 / 5, while almost one in two passengers chose electronic payment for their trips.
Beat, as part of FREE NOW, in 2021 continued to be on the side of society, leading the way in a number of social actions. More specifically, the investment in sustainable transportation was announced through the support of drivers who enter the e-mobility with impressive interest, while more than 1,000 free routes were made for a good cause. Most of them were made in support of the goals of the organizations “The Smile of the Child” and Volunteer Blood Donors, but also of our fellow citizens who wanted a safe transition for their planned vaccination against the spread of the pandemic.
On the occasion of the summary of the activity for 2021, the General Manager of Beat in Greece, Aspa Topalidou, noted: “We have completed a successful year, on which we build our plan for 2022, a year that will bring us and Greek society closer to the future of urban transport. BEAT, part of FREE NOW as a strategic partner of taxi drivers and an integral part of the daily life of the city, prepares the next steps of its development, guided by the safest and most sustainable transportation. To this end, we continue to invest in human capital, to contribute to public revenues and to develop the market for on demand travel through important strategic partnerships. “
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