Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024
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Editorial Ta Nea: Russia’s isolation

Editorial Ta Nea: Russia’s isolation

Russia's entire dangerous logic which went as far as to unleash a nuclear threat – though it claims to seek negotiations – renders Russia a pariah state that makes the international legal order precarious

The ongoing dramatic events and unfolding revisionist plan of Russia, with the unacceptable invasion of Ukraine violates international law and places the entire world in a precarious position.

In the medium-to-long term, this strategy will act as a boomerang for Moscow, which fueled a new Cold War of sorts.

Despite the shallow and fleeting show of force, which is naturally dangerous and universally condemned, the consequences for Russia will be painful.

It is not only that it rallied together the West against it or the harm from the current sanctions.

The new isolationism for which Russia has opted will not benefit it in a globalised economy.

Its entire dangerous logic which went as far as to unleash a nuclear threat – though it claims to seek negotiations – renders Russia a pariah state that makes the international legal order precarious and burns long-term bridges of communication.

This is devastatingly harmful for Russia’s economy and social cohesion, and it must not ignore the strong domestic current of opposition to the invasion.

The West and Europe may appear to be wavering, but they are the most advanced regions of the planet and Russia needs them more than collateral eastern alliances.

It will realise this over time.

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Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2024