War in Ukraine: Greece closes airspace for aircraft from Russia
The directive will last for three months and is valid from today, Monday 28 February 2022.
An air directive (notam) for the banning of Russian aircraft flights in the National Airspace of Greece, was issued by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), after the decision of the European Union to close its airspace to the Russian Federation.
The directive will last for three months and is valid from today, Monday 28 February 2022.
Full announcement:
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) announces that an air directive (notam) has been issued to ban Russian aircraft flights in the National Airspace of Greece. The aviation directive for the prohibition of the use of the National Airspace of Greece by Russian air carriers is applied after the decision of the European Union to close its airspace for the Russian Federation.
In particular, notam provides the following:
* Aircraft owned by Russia, Russian Airlines (AOC) or Russian control, including private jets, are prohibited from landing, taking off, entering and passing through the National Airspace of Greece.
* The aviation directive excludes flights of humanitarian interest, hospital flights and flights for search and rescue purposes with the approval of the Greek government as well as all emergency aircraft flights.
* The notam will have a duration of three months and is already valid from today Monday 28 February 2022.
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