Athens Chamber of Commerce lets loose barbs against Dev. Min. over mid-season sales
Calls for the abolition of the specific measure that creates distortions in the market on the occasion of the bill of the Ministry of Development
The Athens Chamber of Commerce was surprised to find that in the new protection framework of the Ministry of Development, which was put to public consultation, the institution of mid-season sales remains in force.
According to a relevant announcement, “On the occasion of the new Consumer protection framework put up for public consultation by the Ministry of Development & Investment, President Stavros Kafounis and the Board of Directors of the Athens Chamber of Commerce point out their surprise at finding out that the institution of mid-term sales remains in force. The abolition of the obsolete institution of mid-season sales, which creates distortions in the market and does not allow the formation of lower initial prices for all items from the beginning of the season, is an urgent need for the smooth operation of the market.”
The announcement also states: “We point out that in the recent survey of the Athens Chamber of Commerce, the vast majority demanded the abolition of mid-season sales, while this position has the absolute agreement of all commercial organizations in the country, all companies regardless of region and size as well. and the consent of consumer organizations “.
And he concludes: “The Athens Chamber of Commerce, expressing the common request of the commercial world, will continue to demand the abolition of this obsolete institution.”
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