Hellenic Exchanges S.A. (ATHEX) elects Yiannos Kontopoulos as new CEO
Kontopoulos’ biography lists senior management positions in capital markets in New York, London and Athens
The board of directors of Hellenic Exchanges – Athens Stock Exchange (ATHEX) on Tuesday elected Yiannos Kontopoulos as its new chief executive officer.
Kontopoulos’ biography lists senior management positions in capital markets in New York, London and Athens. He began his career at Salomon Brothers on Wall Street. He was also managing director at UBS and Merrill Lynch.
In Greece, Kontopoulos worked as CIO at Eurobank, as well as CEO of Eurobank Asset Management, the largest mutual fund management company in the country.
Kontopoulos is a graduate of Columbia and Harvard.
“The Group is strategically positioned in the business world and at this point I must mention the important work carried out by my predecessor, Mr. Socrates Lazaridis during his tenure. The Group has talented staff and I look forward to our collaboration. Together, I hope that we will continue the systematic effort to make our market more extrovert and strengthen its role in servicing the domestic economy, with flexibility as required in the current complex global environment,” Kontopoulos said.
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