Greece’s ranking in terms of the world’s 100 top start-up environments dropped to 54th place in 2021, down from 44th in 2020, according to the Startup Blink Global Ecosystem Report for last year.

According to analysts, the showing has less to do, however, with the performance of Greece-based start-ups over the year, but rather the face that other such ecosystems around the world are dramatically improving their position.

While Greece still lags behind other southern European countries, it nevertheless comes in sixth in southeast Europe, while Athens is ranked at 153rd out of 1,000 cities surveyed.

According to the report’s authors, the Greek ecosystem has tremendous opportunities for development, and with proper public initiatives has the ability to become a mature regional ecosystem in the Mediterranean region.

Advantages listed for the country are a large pool of high-skilled talent in the IT sector and experienced executives.