Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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OTEGlobe: Operational profitability increase for 2021

OTEGlobe: Operational profitability increase for 2021

The turnover of the company was maintained at high levels and amounted to € 349.3 million, recording an increase of 1% compared to 2020.

OTEGlobe announced its financial results for 2021, in which it recorded strong performance, despite the adverse conditions that continued to affect the international scene.

More specifically, the company’s turnover was maintained at high levels and amounted to € 349.3 million, recording an increase of 1% compared to 2020, while the company recorded an impressive increase of 16% in EBITDA profitability, which stood at € 26.6 million from € 22.8 million in 2020.

As part of the extensive investments announced by the OTE Group in network infrastructure, OTEGlobe recently proceeded with another major upgrade of its international network capacity and functionality.

By investing in new technologies and constantly strengthening its international infrastructure, the company aims to further expand into the new, emerging markets of Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025