Expression of interest for Itea marina in south-central Greece
HRADF’s tender process refers to the concession of port operation services and the right to use, operate, manage and exploit the marina of Itea for a period of at least 40 years.
Greece’s privatization agency, the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF), on Teusday announced that a consortium identified as Diving Status – Fokis Development has submitted an “expression of Interest” for the concession of the marina at the harbor of Itea, a picturesque coastal town on the northern shores of the Corinth Gulf.
In a press release, HRADF said its advisors will evaluate the expression of Interest and submit a recommendation to the Fund’s board of directors regarding qualifications for the tender’s next phase – the binding offers phase.
HRADF’s tender process refers to the concession of port operation services and the right to use, operate, manage and exploit the marina of Itea for a period of at least 40 years.
The sea area of the Itea marina extends to a surface of approximately 26,000 square meters and can accommodate 146 yachts and pleasure craft of small and medium-size.
A dry-docking area can accommodate up to 60 such vessels. The upland area of the marina covers an area of approximately 24,700 square meters.
The Itea marina is current operational and accommodates a small number of yachts.
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