NBG CEO Mylonas: Greek econ prospects remain encouraging
The country’s economy will post a significant GDP growth in 2022
The Greek economy’s prospects remain encouraging, despite inflationary pressure that has significant increased due to the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine, National Bank of Greece CEO Pavlos Mylonas opined this week
In a message accompanied the group’s results for 2021, where net profits for the year increased by 41 percent, or 833 million euros in absolute terms, Mylonas said the Greek economy’s fundamental figures are strong, even amid the currently negative international conditions.
The NBG group CEO added that the country’s economy will post a significant GDP growth in 2022, and even higher growth in 2023 and 2024.
Turning to the domestic bank itself, Mylonas said the top goals are reducing NPEs to under 3 percent of NBG’s total portfolio and increasing the tangible performance of equity to double-digit figures.
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