Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Coronavirus: “Those who are not vaccinated may be hospitalized,” says Hospital Docs Prez

Coronavirus: “Those who are not vaccinated may be hospitalized,” says Hospital Docs Prez

“Whoever is vaccinated will go through it mildly, the unvaccinated may be hospitalized” stressed Matina Pagoni

The president of hospital doctors’ union EINAP, Matina Pagoni, spoke to MEGA channel about the course of the pandemic and the vaccines.

Ms. Pagoni commented on the increase in cases.

“The increase is expected because there were celebrations before and another reason is the non-use of a mask outdoors. The hard indicators remain the same but there is a gradual decline at a very slow pace.

By Easter these indicators will have decreased. What we need to emphasize is an increase in hospitalizations by about 8-10% and we have been seeing it all week. The important thing is that there is now the Omicron variant and not the delta. “There is an outbreak of the Omicron”, said Mrs. Pagoni initially.

“Anyone who is vaccinated will go through it mildly, the unvaccinated may have to be treated. Especially appointments for vaccination of those over 60 are seen to have increased . Those who have not been vaccinated and do not want to get an MRna vaccine, can get the protein vaccine”, added Ms. Pagoni.

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025