Greek industry turnover increased by 35.4% in January
Compared to December 2021 there was a decrease of 18.6%
The turnover in Greek industry marked a big increase, in January 2022.
According to Hellenic Statictical Authority – ELSTAT data the Overall Turnover Index in Industry (both Domestic and Non-Domestic Market) in January 2022 recorded an increase of 35.4% compared with the corresponding index of January 2021. The Overall Turnover Index in Industry in January 2021 decreased by 12.3% compared with the corresponding index in January 2020.
The Overall Turnover Index in Industry in January 2022, compared with December 2021, recorded a decrease of 18.6%.
The average Overall Turnover Index in Industry for the 12-month period from February 2021 to January 2022 increased by 29.5%, compared with the corresponding index of the 12-month period from February 2020 to January 2021. The average Overall Turnover Index in Industry for the 12-month period from February 2020 to January 2021 decreased by 13.1% compared with the corresponding index of the 12-month period from February 2019 to January 2020.
Evolution of the Overall Turnover Index in Industry in January 2022
I. Annual changes of the Overall Turnover Index in Industry: January 2022/ January 2021
The 35.4% increase in the Overall Turnover Index in Industry in January 2022, compared with the corresponding index in January 2021, was due to the following:
1. Changes in the sub-indices of the industrial sections :
The Turnover Index in Manufacturing increased by 36.0%. The increase was mainly the result of the annual changes of the sub-indices in the following 2-digit divisions: coke and refined petroleum products, basic metals,
chemicals and chemical products, food.
The Turnover Index in Mining and quarrying decreased by 12.6%. The decrease was the result of the annual changes of the sub-indices in the following 2-digit divisions: mining of coal and lignite – extraction of crude
petroleum and natural gas – mining support service activities, mining of metal ores.
2. Changes in the sub-indices in Domestic and Non-Domestic Markets:
Overall Turnover Index in Industry Turnover Index in Domestic Market
Turnover Index in Non-Domestic Market
II. Annual changes of the Turnover Index in Industry in Domestic Market: January 2022/ January 2021
The 30.3% increase of the Turnover Index in Industry in Domestic Market in January 2022, compared with January 2021, is due to the annual changes in the sub-indices of the following industrial sections:
The Turnover Index in Manufacturing increased by 30.7%. The increase was mainly the result of the annual changes of the sub-indices in the following 2-digit divisions: coke and refined petroleum products, basic metals,
rubber and plastic products.
The Turnover Index in Mining and quarrying decreased by 10.8%. The decrease was mainly the result of the annual changes of the sub-indices in the following 2-digit divisions: mining of coal and lignite – extraction of crude
petroleum and natural gas – mining support service activities, mining of metal ores.
III. Annual changes of the Turnover Index in Industry in Non-Domestic Market: January 2022/ January 2021
The 43.5% increase of the Turnover Index in Industry in Non-Domestic Market in January 2022, compared with January 2021, was due to the following:
1. Changes in the sub-indices of the industrial sections:
The Turnover Index in Manufacturing increased by 44.7%. The increase was mainly the result of the annual changes of the sub-indices in the following 2-digit divisions: coke and refined petroleum products, chemicals
and chemical products, food, basic metals.
The Turnover Index in Mining and quarrying decreased by 13.6%. The decrease was the result of the annual change of the sub-index in the following 2-digit division: mining of metal ores.
2. Changes in the sub-indices in Eurozone and Non-Eurozone countries:
The Turnover Index in Industry in Eurozone countries increased by 44.8% .
The Turnover Index in Industry in Non-Eurozone countries increased by 42.7%.
IV. Monthly changes of the Overall Turnover Index in Industry: January 2022/ December 2021
The 18.6% decrease of the Overall Turnover Index in Industry in January 2022, compared with the corresponding index in December 2021, was due to the following:
1. Changes in the sub-indices of industrial sections:
The Turnover Index in Mining and quarrying decreased by 46.0%.
The Turnover Index in Manufacturing decreased by 18.3%.
2. Changes in the sub-indices in Domestic and Non-Domestic Market:
The Turnover Index in Industry in Domestic Market decreased by 21.4%.
The Turnover Index in Industry in Non-Domestic Market decreased by 14.2%
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