Hellenic Banking Association: Εighth annual participation in “European Money Week”
The first three classes will receive a token gift from a landline computer for their school. The two students who will represent us in the European Final will receive a personal laptop.
For the eighth consecutive year, the Hellenic Banking Association is participating in the institution of the “European Money Week” of the European Banking Federation and in the institution of the “Global Money Week” of the OECD.
In this context, yesterday, March 22, 2022, he successfully completed the fifth National Money Competition “European Money Quiz“.
The competition was held online between 328 class groups from 69 schools (32 Gymnasiums and 37 Lyceums) public and private, with the participation of 1,232 students from the prefectures of Argolida, Arcadia, Attica, Achaia, Boeotia, Dodecanese, Heraklion, Thessaloniki, Ioannina, Thessaloniki Karditsa, Kilkis, Kozani, Cyclades, Magnesia, Larissa, Lassithi, Lesvos, Messinia, Pella, Pieria, Rodopi, Fthiotida and Chania.
The winning Class was Class C1 of the “Stega Private High School” of the prefecture of Attica. They are followed in order of second place by Class A1 of the 2nd General Lyceum of Tripoli in the prefecture of Arcadia and in third place by Class C2 of the high school “Karavanas School” of the prefecture of Larissa.
The National Money Competition is the first part of the joint initiative of the European Banking Federation and its members for the Financial Literacy of Junior High School and High School students aged 13-15. The winning class will represent, with two students, its school and Greece in the European Competition that will take place online on May 10, 2022.
The first three places will receive a token gift of a landline computer for their school. The two students who will represent us in the European Final will receive a personal laptop.
The Hellenic Banking Association warmly thanks all the schools, their students and teachers for their participation in the fifth National Competition and the interest they showed in this initiative, overcoming the difficulties that arose due to the measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Warm thanks also to the competent Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Religions, as well as to the Institute of Educational Policy for supporting the National Competition in high schools and lyceums throughout the country.
Financial literacy is a key skill that we all need to have. The aim of the Hellenic Banking Association, through this initiative is to make financial education possible even in the most remote areas of Greece. To this end, the specially designed website of the Hellenic Banking Association for the European Money Quiz will remain active throughout the year so that the knowledge games about Money and the digital book “First Financial Steps” are accessible to all: students, teachers and parents.
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