Meeting of Dep. Development Min.-Chinese Ambassador on Research and Innovation
The deepening of the cooperation in research and innovation between Greece and China occupied today’s meeting of the Deputy Minister of Development and Investment Christos Dimas with the Ambassador of China Xiao Juncheng. As the Undersecretary wrote on social media: “Today, with Chinese Ambassador Xiao Junzheng, we discussed the further expansion of the two countries’ […]
The deepening of the cooperation in research and innovation between Greece and China occupied today’s meeting of the Deputy Minister of Development and Investment Christos Dimas with the Ambassador of China Xiao Juncheng.
As the Undersecretary wrote on social media: “Today, with Chinese Ambassador Xiao Junzheng, we discussed the further expansion of the two countries’ relations in research and innovation. “Greece and China have signed a transnational agreement for scientific and technological cooperation, which we jointly agreed to renew, but also to deepen.”
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