Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Naxos Airport: Its expansion will be financed

Naxos Airport: Its expansion will be financed

The decision of the Ministry of Development and Investment

By decision of the Deputy Minister of Development and Investment Mr. Ioannis Tsakiris, the inclusion of the act “Expansion and improvement of the maneuvering field of Naxos State Airport” budget € 23.07 million Operational Program “Transport Infrastructure, Environment and Sustainable Development 2014-2020” with the beneficiary the Airport Infrastructure Department (D.Y.A.) was signed by the Special Secretariat for Program Management ERDF & TA on 30-03-2022, according to a relevant announcement.

The project includes the expansion of the runway and the improvement of the maneuvering field of Naxos State Airport with accompanying projects such as the expansion of the aircraft parking tarmac, the widening of the existing carriageway, the construction of two new carriageways, etc. Security configurations will also be financed. photo markings but also archaeological research and works, OKO connections and expropriations.

This decision creates security conditions and improves the level of service of larger aircraft and direct flights from abroad and improves the connectivity of Naxos, thus increasing the capabilities of the permanent population of the island and the service of tourist traffic.

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025