Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Eurozone: Inflation jumps to 7.5% in March – Greece to 8%

Eurozone: Inflation jumps to 7.5% in March – Greece to 8%

The rally in prices continues unfettered – Households are under pressure

Eurozone inflation jumped to 7.5% in March, from 5.9% in February, according to Eurostat estimates.

Energy is expected to have the highest annual rate in March (44.7%, compared to 32.0% in February), as shown in the chart above, followed by food, alcohol and tobacco (5.0%, versus 4.2%), non-energy industrial goods (3.4%, versus 3.1%) and services (2.7%, compared to 2.5%).

Inflation in Greece is estimated at 8%, with Lithuania emerging as the “champion” country in the EU with 15.6%, followed by Estonia (14.8%, the Netherlands (11.9%) and Latvia (11, 2%).

Eurostat calculates inflation on the basis of the harmonized index of consumer prices, with the same weightings of products and services for all Eurozone countries.

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025