Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Tourism Minister: AHEPA is a strong component for the tourist promotion of Greece

Tourism Minister: AHEPA is a strong component for the tourist promotion of Greece

Meeting with the Minister of Tourism in the context of the official visit of the diaspora organization in our country

The Minister of Tourism Vassilis Kikilias met on Tuesday with a delegation of AHEPA, in the context of the official visit of the diaspora organization to the homeland.

Mr. Kikilias emphasized the extremely important role that AHEPA has played over time in matters of major national interest and thanked its dynamic members for their commitment to the effective defense of lofty ideals, such as education, charity, civil liability, family and individual excellence, with a sense of deep social responsibility and exemplary volunteering.

He pointed out that the large family of AHEPANs is a strong component for the tourist promotion of the unique Greek hospitality and the incomparable natural beauty of our country.

For its part, AHEPA stressed the readiness of its members to stand by the efforts of the tourist promotion of Greece, contributing through their coordinated, systematic and targeted effort to strengthen the Greek tourism product in the wider American continent, in close cooperation. with the competent services and bodies of the Ministry of Tourism and EOT.

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025