The importance of traceability and standardization of olive oil
PDO olive oils with high bioactive elements and high quality gain further added value
More than 500 olive oil samples from 24 countries are competing this year in the international competition, which takes place in Sitia from April 7 to 9.
The three-day evaluation will be conducted by 31 judges from 12 countries (Chile, Australia, Brazil, Croatia, Tunisia, USA, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, England and Israel).
At the opening ceremony of the 7th International Olive Oil Competition “ATHENA 2022” in Sitia, which is under the auspices of the Ministries of Shipping and Island Policy and Rural Development and Food, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Christiana Kalogirou addressed a greeting.
The Secretary General stressed the importance of traceability and standardization, conveying the will of Minister Giorgos Georgantas for the full support of the industry. PDO olive oils with their highly bioactive elements, their high quality and their unique characteristics, acquire further added value and competitiveness in the international market. Sitia, an area where the olive culture is identical with its history, has been included in the world map of oil production and this year’s hosting of “ATHENA 2022” confirms this.
A priority in the Ministry of Rural Development and Food is the creation of a modern platform for the registration by olive mills of all produced quantities of PDO / PGI olive oils, so that there is a direct display of all PDO olive oil produced in Greece.
Ms. Kalogirou congratulated the mayor Giorgos Zervakis, the deputy mayor Nikolaos Makrynakis, the president of the Chamber of Lassithi Thomas Haritakis, the CEO of the Development Organization of Sitia Nikos Dialynas and the president of the Cooperative Union of Sitia Manolis Mavromatakis for their relentless efforts for its promotion in the domestic and international market.
Then, she visited the PDO olive oil exhibition where unique olive oils, of exceptional taste and high nutritional value, are presented by 29 producers in the area of Lassithi. The General Secretary spoke with Sofia Savvidaki and Emmanuella Simiaki who produce the special olive oil product with honey, which is undoubtedly the “caviar” of Sitia. She also congratulated the company PHYSIS OF CRETE, which also has visitable facilities, for the production of olive oil containing 1088 polyphenols.
“Our common goal is to highlight and promote Greek olive oil, which the passion of the people and the uniqueness of the natural environment turn into an invaluable treasure,” said Ms. Kalogirou.
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