Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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PPC: No charge for customers who “locked in” fixed billing

PPC: No charge for customers who “locked in” fixed billing

What the company notes about the PPC products myHome Online, PPC myHome Enter and PPC myHome Enter +

There is absolutely no burden from the price increases in the energy market for the 500,000 PPC customers who “locked in” fixed billing with the PPC products myHome Online, PPC myHome Enter and PPC myHome Enter +.

This is what the company emphasizes in its announcement regarding publications that talk about significant increases in these products.

From April 11 the new price lists

“The new price lists of the specific products concern those who choose them from 11.04.2022 and the price they will “lock” will remain stable until the end of the contract”, says PPC.

“Consequently, no PPC customer who has already selected the fixed billing products has seen, nor will he see, an increase in his account throughout the duration of the contract.”

At the same time, PPC reminds that with the discount policies it implements, in combination with the State subsidies, it has absorbed 75% of the energy cost charges for 76% of its customers with floating tariffs and 50% of the charges for the rest. its customers, which are not covered by the state subsidy.

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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025