Athens Chamber of Commerce: Increase of minimum wage with reduction of non-wage costs
Raising the minimum wage is a move in the right direction as it boosts the income of the low paid and at the same time can breathe new life into the market.
Moving in the right direction is the increase of the minimum wage, as it strengthens the income of the low paid and at the same time can “breathe life” in to the market, as noted in a statement by the president of the Athens Chamber of Commerce, Giannis Chatzitheodosiou. He adds, however, that any increase in the minimum wage should be combined with a simultaneous reduction in non-wage costs as small and medium-sized businesses struggle to survive due to their increased operating costs.
The statement of G. Chatzitheodosiou
“Increasing the minimum wage by 50 euros a month is a move in the right direction as it boosts the income of the low paid and at the same time can “breathe life” in to the market.
Especially in the recent period when the turnover of small and medium-sized enterprises has been greatly reduced due to inflationary pressures and constant price increases, it is extremely important for citizens to be able to consume.
But this is one side of the coin, as there is another side to the extra burdens on businesses, at a time when they are asking for help in dealing with the energy crisis.
The Athens Chamber of Commerce has stressed that any increase in the minimum wage should be combined with a simultaneous reduction in non-wage costs, which remain among the highest in Europe.
Today, as small and medium-sized enterprises struggle to survive due to increased operating costs, targeted measures are needed to reduce burdens and give viability prospects to small and medium-sized enterprises.
For example, there can no longer be memoranda tax charges or taxes that were increased during the memoranda period. I am referring to the end of the feat and the solidarity contribution which we believe is the time to abolish and at the same time to return to the tax-free status for individual businesses and the tax advance to previous lower levels.
“At a time when energy costs are pushing small and medium-sized businesses and rising prices are pushing citizens to their limits, there is a need for mitigation measures for businesses to continue to operate and provide jobs and revenue to public coffers.”
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