EODY: 43 COVID-19 deaths, under 7,000 new infections, 196 reinfections, 284 intubated
There are currently 284 intubated COVID-19 patients (67.6 percent men) with a median age of 71-years-old, and 93 percent have an underlying medical condition and/or are age 70 or older.
Epidemiological data released today indicate that the COVID-19 epidemic in Greece is winding down at a steady pace.
The National Public Health Organisation announced the death of 43 COVID-19 patients and 6,755 infections confirmed in the last 24 hours.
A total of 28,808 COVID-19 patients have died in Greece since the start of the pandemic, 95.5 percent with an underlying medical condition and/or age 70 or older.
A total of 3.27mn infections (48.9 percent men) have been recorded by EODY since the start of the pandemic, with a 0.2 percentage point daily increase.
COVID reinfections
EODY recorded 196 reinfections in the last 24 hours, while there have been an estimated 120,786 reinfections since the start of the pandemic (3.6 percent of the total number of infections).
Intubated patients, hospital admissions
There are currently 284 intubated COVID-19 patients (67.6 percent men) with a median age of 71-years-old, and 93 percent have an underlying medical condition and/or are age 70 or older.
Of intubated patients, 55.29 percent are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, while 44.72 percent are fully vaccinated.
In the last 24 hours, 195 COVID-19 patients have been admitted to hospital (a 15.58 percentage point daily decline), with a median age of 36-years-old. For the last seven days, the average daily number of admissions is 218 patients.
The median age of individuals with newly confirmed infections is 36-years-old, while the median age of those who died was 79-years-old.
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