Hellenic National Public Health Organization-EODY: “We may have a case of hepatitis in a child in our country”
EODY laboratories are also ready to examine samples of possible cases to detect adenoviruses or other viruses that cause such symptoms.
“We may have a case of hepatitis in children in our country as well”, stressed on the morning of Good Friday (22/04/2022), the president of the Hellenic National Public Health Organization-EODY, Theoklis Zaoutis.
The president of EODY clarified that so far there is no case of acute hepatitis in Greece, however based on the way it is spreading in other countries, it is very likely that it will come to our country.
The potential case is being tested for the adenovirus, which is thought to be responsible for hepatitis cases in children in a number of countries around the world.
Most cases have been reported in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Mr. Zaoutis noted that most children have mild symptoms.
He called on the Children’s Hospitals of the country to be on standby, to receive and deal with possible cases.
EODY laboratories are also ready to examine samples of possible cases to detect adenovirus or other viruses that cause such symptoms.
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