Astypalea: Electric cars are on the rise
Local authorities have been using electric cars since last year
The first electric cars ID.3 Pure and ID.4 were handed over to their new owners in Chora of Astypalea by Kosmocar. As a result, the fleet of electric vehicles in Astypalea is growing further, as local authorities have been using electric cars since last year.
The program “Astypalea: smart and sustainable island” is a joint initiative of the Volkswagen Group and the Hellenic Republic and aims in the coming years to create a pioneering mobility system in Astypalea with a green environmental footprint. For this purpose, the current transport system on the island will be replaced by the use of electric vehicles, along with the production of renewable energy.
As part of the “Astypalea: smart and sustainable island” program, the residents of Astypalea enjoy a special subsidy and preferential prices to get the electric vehicle they want. They can choose between Volkswagen electric cars, such as the flexible e-up !, the pioneer ID.3 and the impressive SUV, ID.4. Finally, among its options is the electric scooter SEAT MÓ 125.
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