Electricity bills: The subsidies are almost unchanged in May as well
State funding of electricity bills at 550 to 600 million euros
The state subsidies that the government will give to households and businesses for the payment of electricity bills will be around at the same levels as in April.
According to available information, the total amount that will be allocated from the Energy Transition Fund is expected to be around 550 to 600 million euros and comes from the auctions of gas pollutant rights and the Special RES Account.
It is worth noting that according to the data so far, the price of wholesale electricity is slightly lower than in March. More specifically, it is just over 242 euros per megawatt hour, while in March it had closed at average levels at 272.68 euros.
Bolstering aid
Thus, even if the above estimates are finally confirmed for May, the average monthly aid for an average household consuming up to 300 KWh (Kilowatt hours) / month will be around 72 euros.
For the beneficiaries of Social Housing Invoices, the average monthly aid will be around 87 euros.
For business consumers, regardless of voltage level, who are contracted on floating billing, the unit subsidy is expected to be 130 euros / MWh for monthly consumption.
For professional consumers (professional, industrial, agricultural use) with power supply up to 35 kVA and for all bakeries regardless of power supply, the total unit subsidy of these categories is expected at 230 euros / MWh.
It is reminded that for this category of electricity consumers, subsidies will be given retroactively for the months of January, February and March.
But also for gas, the information wants to continue subsidizing households and businesses for the month of May. The state subsidy is expected at 40 euros per thermal megawatt hour.
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